Avoine Curcum Vanille

Voorbereiding: 10 minutes
Moeilijkheid : makkelijk
Geen geraffineerde suikers



● 1 tasse de flocons d’avoine

● 1,5 tasse de lait

● 1 cuillère à soupe de graines de lin moulues

● 3 cuillères à soupe de sirop de Curcum

● 1/4 cuillère à café de cannelle

● 1/2 cuillère à café d’extrait de vanille

● 1/4 cuillère à café de citron

● 1 cuillère à café d’huile de noix de coco

Des instructions


Faire fondre l’huile de noix de coco dans la casserole ou une casserole moyenne. Ajouter l’avoine et faire griller à feu moyen jusqu’à ce que l’avoine commence à sentir bon – cela devrait prendre environ 3-4 minutes. Remuez de temps en temps pour éviter que les flocons d’avoine ne brûlent.

Ajouter le lait, les graines de lin, le sirop de CURCUM, la cannelle, l’extrait de vanille et le citron et bien mélanger.

Cuire à feu doux jusqu’à consistance crémeuse.

Profitez ❤️

Now that the days are getting shorter and colder🥶 we thought it was time to comfort🤗 you with a nice warm drink☕️ which is very rich in flavor!🤤

Here's how to go at it:
Slice up some orange and lemon 🍊🍋
Chop up some ginger 
Add your favorite green tea
Don't forget a dash of CURCUM
And finish up by pouring hot water on top of it all!

This one will definitely warm up both your body and spirit! enjoy😃

#healthyfood #healthylifestyle
#healthy #foodie #instafood #fitness #vegan #foodstagram #foodlover #delicious #nutrition #healthyliving #diet #fit #healthyrecipes #veganfood #plantbased #turmeric #curcumine #organic #eatclean #glutenfree #healthylife #fitfood
It has been a while, so we thought it was about time for a fruity🥝 healthy💚 delicious🤤 KIWI CURCUM YAKULT recipe📜

This incredible drink is bound to tickle your tastebuds, boost your Health and satisfy your entire body!🤩

Just crush a kiwi, add some CURCUM and Yakult and top up with ice and sparkling water!

#healthyfood #healthylifestyle 
#healthy #foodie #instafood #fitness #vegan #foodstagram #foodlover #delicious #nutrition #healthyliving #diet #fit #healthyrecipes #veganfood #plantbased #turmeric #curcumine #organic #eatclean #glutenfree #healthylife #fitfood
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