Tips for healthy and strong hair

You hair is a defining factor in your appearance. You can shape it however you want and create a different look overnight. Taking care of your hair is therefore very important, and you can do quite a lot about it yourself. Because while age and genetics on the one hand determine how strong and healthy your hair is, also good nutrition and a good health factors, which contribute to beautiful, strong and shiny hair.

Sensitive hair

Your hair is sensitive to a lot of things: humidity and dryness, heat and UV radiation, the hairstyle you choose (do you dye it or not), stress , (chemical) care products and more. Still, there is much you can do to make your hair the best it can be. take care and suffer as little as possible, making or keeping your hair as healthy as possible. Because there are many different hair types are, each of which also has its own sensitivities, we try to keep the tips in this article as general as possible, so that everyone can use these basic tips can apply.

Exterior hair care

Let’s start with the tip that you shouldn’t wash your hair Don’t shampoo too often. You can confidently not wash your hair for a day or a few days. It makes your scalp and hair less likely to dry out and your skin have a normal sebum production retains. When you do use shampoo to wash your hair, make sure that it is as min possible chemicals in it. These are very harsh on the scalp and hair, damaging it. There are many natural shampoos available these days. In addition, use as little as possible the hair dryer, straightener or curling iron. The heat, coming off these devices, can easily damage hair, even down to the hair roots. The last basic tip is: make your brush and comb regular clean! This seems like an open door, but for many people it is not a habit to clean their brush properly. This leaves the dirt, such as grease and dirt, in your hair over and over again, making you want to wash it more often. And that, as we described above, is precisely not the intention if you have healthy and strong hair wants.

Hair care from the inside out

Also with foods you can take care of your hair. This can be done from the outside by, for example hair masks and the like, but also the food of the right foods affects how healthy, shiny and strong your hair is. We give a few examples. Let’s start with proteins. It has been shown that a lack of protein hair loss caused. In fact, hair follicles consist mainly of proteins. Eating high-protein food is thus a good start. Eggs We want to mention eggs separately, because they also contain biotin which is essential for the production of a hair protein called keratin mentioned. In addition to protein-rich foods are green vegetable, such as spinach and broccoli, part of a varied diet that supports healthy hair. After all, green vegetables contain a lot of vitamin A and C. Those vitamins are necessary for the sebum production and sebum is a natural grease for your hair, a kind of natural conditioner. Oily fish, such as salmon and mackerel, would be great products for hair growth. This is due to the omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in oily fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are in fact associated with hair growth.

Stress and smoking

After some tips on what you can do for healthy, shiny and strong hair, we also give you two tips on what not to do to keep your hair healthy. The first is to stop smoking. We understand that this is difficult for many people, but maybe this know will make it happen: smoking causes, among other things gray hair. It inhibits pigment production and hinders nutrients from reaching the hair. This will make your hair faster dull and gray. Our second tip is: avoid stress. Prolonged stress is bad for you and your health for many reasons, but stress is not recommended for your hair either. Prolonged stress can lead to gray hairbut also to hair loss, because the stress hormones have a negative effect on the hair follicles. So make sure you get enough rest (moments) and take good care of yourself.

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Now that the days are getting shorter and colder🥶 we thought it was time to comfort🤗 you with a nice warm drink☕️ which is very rich in flavor!🤤

Here's how to go at it:
Slice up some orange and lemon 🍊🍋
Chop up some ginger 
Add your favorite green tea
Don't forget a dash of CURCUM
And finish up by pouring hot water on top of it all!

This one will definitely warm up both your body and spirit! enjoy😃

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It has been a while, so we thought it was about time for a fruity🥝 healthy💚 delicious🤤 KIWI CURCUM YAKULT recipe📜

This incredible drink is bound to tickle your tastebuds, boost your Health and satisfy your entire body!🤩

Just crush a kiwi, add some CURCUM and Yakult and top up with ice and sparkling water!

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