Entries by William van Aspert

Is organic food better?

Is organic food better?

People are increasingly thinking about what they eat, where their food comes from and how it is produced. A positive development. One of the topics much talked and written about is organic food. Is that really better? Or is the difference from regular (mainstream) nutrition minimal? We list a few aspects for you.

What is organic?

The production of organic food takes into account the environment and animals as much as possible. Various regulations lay down the requirements that farmers and producers must meet. So you can’t just call something “organic. In the Netherlands, organic products must comply with the European Organic Products Regulation. For example, organic farmers give animals more space than in conventional livestock production and avoid manure surpluses. Organic farmers also do not use artificial fertilizers and synthetic pesticides when growing their plants or raising their livestock, and use fewer antibiotics. To indicate that something has been grown or produced organically, several labels have been developed, such as EKO and European Organic.

Healthier or not?

It sounds logical that fruits and vegetables grown without chemical pesticides and fertilizers and meat from animals that have had better lives are more nutritious than foods where this is not the case. However, this assumption is not entirely true. Indeed, in general, organic food has not been shown to be healthier than conventional food. The problem lies in the difficulty of demonstrating the (health) effects of organic food, in the short and long term. Food research has its hooks in: you have to follow people for a long time, people sometimes say one thing and do another, and people who eat organically, often live healthier lives on other fronts as well, making it difficult to demonstrate the effect of organic food on your health alone. So doing good research on the effects of organic food is difficult.

Nutritional value and toxins

There are several studies, which show that the amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in organic food can indeed be greater than in conventional food. As a result, the overall nutritional value of the organic food is higher, making it more valuable to your body. Organic food also contains fewer pesticides, which means you will also ingest fewer of these toxins. A great benefit, since toxins are harmful to our bodies. Growing children are especially vulnerable to toxins because their bodies and brains are still developing. So proper nutrition and nutrients are incredibly important for children. The “cleaner” the foods we take in, the better for our bodies.

The environment

Regular animal husbandry or agriculture demands a lot from our nature and is harmful to the environment. This pollution comes, among other things, from the use of pesticides, antibiotics and (artificial) manure, which have become part of food production in the last 200 years. This form of environmental pollution is becoming more visible as we begin to think differently about our food and where it comes from. So you also help protect our nature and environment by eating organic products. One disadvantage of organic livestock production, however, is that it usually requires more land. Something that then comes at the expense of nature, for example. Regarding energy consumption, water use and waste management, there are no regulations for organic production. So at this point you could say that it is not easy to demonstrate whether organic production is better or worse for the environment/climate.


The step to eating organic can be tricky. Maybe you are not yet convinced of the (health) benefits or you cannot afford it financially (in general, organic products are more expensive than regular products). In the context of “you are what you eat” and “know what you eat,” you might then consider growing your own plants in your own garden or on your balcony. Herbs, tomatoes, peppers and chilies, as well as cucumbers and lettuce, for example, are easy to grow. That way you have more control over how healthy the foods you take in are and you take a first step toward organic.

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Cholesterol: how to keep yourself healthy?

Cholesterol: how to keep yourself healthy?

Cholesterol, you’ve probably heard of it. Cholesterol is usually spoken of in a negative context. It is a “bad” substance, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and which you should be extremely careful of. That’s only half the story. In fact, our body also needs cholesterol as building block. An excess of the bad kind of cholesterol can be be harmful to the body. You usually don’t feel anything from a cholesterol level that is too high, but it does increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. So it’s important to keep this up. What types of cholesterol there are and what you can do yourself to maintain cholesterol levels, we will explain.

What is Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance found in our bodies in small globules. Most cholesterol is made in the liver and a small portion you get through food. The body needs it to function and transports cholesterol through the blood. In fact, cholesterol is used as a building block for cells and hormones and for the production of bile. So cholesterol is not all bad. There are several types of cholesterol. When measuring your cholesterol, the main focus is on LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. LDL cholesterol is what is called the bad” cholesterol cholesterol and HDL cholesterol is the “good” cholesterol.. That’s because the LDL particles build up in the blood vessels, making you more likely to narrow, while the HDL particles actually protect against cardiovascular disease by transporting excess cholesterol to the liver, where it is broken down. Triglycerides are the type of fat that the fats in your food are mostly made up of. They are used as an energy source and contribute to arteriosclerosis, as the clogging of your blood vessels is also called.

Healthy eating: fruits, fats, nuts and legumes

It seems like an open door, but
eating healthy
is one of the most important keys to keeping your cholesterol levels. By making conscious choices and paying attention to what foods you are consuming, you are ensuring that your body stays healthy. The same is true of cholesterol. There are several foods and nutrients, which have a positive effect on cholesterol levels in our body. Enough fruits and vegetables for example, is very important. The fibers in fruit (pectin) can make the LDL cholesterol in fact lowerwhich means you have less risk of cardiovascular disease runs. Also fats are important. Although one is often tempted to eliminate fat, this is not at all advisable. Our bodies need fats as a source of energy and building material, among other things. Do pay attention to what type of fat you are consuming. Products always contain a combination of saturated and unsaturated fats and saturated fat increases LDL cholesterol in your body. Therefore, replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats. In addition, there are also (Unsalted) nuts and pulses suitable to eat if you want to lower the level of LDL cholesterol. Legumes include brown beans, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas and split peas. They are also good substitutes for beef and pork, which are relatively high in cholesterol and saturated fats.
A vegetarian or flexitarian diet
therefore also fits very well.

Turmeric, garlic and sports

We previously wrote about the
health benefits of turmeric
and the active ingredient curcumin. One of those benefits is that turmeric is protective against cardiovascular disease. It keeps our circulatory system clean by acting as a blood thinner, inhibiting blood clotting and helping to prevent platelet aggregation. In addition, it has turmeric a cholesterol-lowering effect. Small studies show that curcumin has a positive effect on lowering blood lipid levels (both triglycerides and LDL cholesterol). Also garlic would have a positive effect have on lowering LDL cholesterol. Although this effect is small, garlic is also good for our cardiovascular system because it lowers blood pressure. In addition to diet, there are other ways to lower cholesterol and thus keep your body healthy and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Quitting smoking is an important one, for example. Among other things, smoking contributes to a poor vascular system and therefore to an increased risk of disease. In addition, there is also sports important, where it’s not just about losing weight. Although obesity is a risk factor, exercise in itself is also important because it lowers blood pressure and improves levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

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Healthy through the summer (vacation)

Healthy through the summer (vacation)

The Summer is now in full swing. We are all thoroughly enjoying the long days and nice temperatures. The sun is smiling on us, nature is at its best and the summer vacation has already begun for most or is not long in coming. So a wonderful time. But how do you keep yourself healthy and fit during this time? After all, long evenings, nice temperatures and vacations often mean good food and drink and relax. We have listed a number of tips for you, so that you can still enjoy this sunny and free period looking after your health. After all, you only have one of those.

Drinking adequately

Make sure you have enough moisture ingress. All year round, of course, this is important, but the warmer it is the more our bodies need moisture. Just make sure you don’t fill yourself up with sugar bombs, such as juice, soda and iced tea. That’s not going to make us healthier. Tea and water are the best. Does that get a little boring and you’re in the mood for variety? Then make your own iced tea! Or flavor your water by adding slices of lemon, lime or cucumber. Or put fresh fruit in with ice cubes and you have delicious chilled fruit water. You can also use frozen fruit: these are instantly the ice cubes. Moreover, in this way you immediately have an additional way to get some vitamins to take in.

Healthy snacks

Picnics in the park, a visit to the beach or putting our feet up in the backyard: all moments when we prefer to take something tasty with us. Unnoticed, we so often eat more unhealthy things than we normally would. In itself not a problem, but if you alternate it with healthy alternatives, you’ve already come a long way. Think about fresh, chilled fruit or snack vegetables. If you put those in the fridge, you immediately have a refreshing snack address. But nuts, oatcakes or banana bread are also healthy snacks. Even if you are on the road, there are plenty of healthy snacks, which you can take with you. Put them in a cooler or cooler bag and it will stay cool longer too!

Enough exercise

Also during the summer vacations enough exercise. Movement is incredibly important for a healthy body and healthy mind. It improves blood values, fitness and muscle building. Take a nice city walk, go to the outdoor pool, bike around the area or just go shopping on foot. There will be plenty of days in the fall when you’ll be sitting inside, so take advantage of the nice weather! A nice by-product is that being outside is also vitamin D produces, something that is important for all kinds of functions in our bodies. If you go out in the sun, make sure you apply sunscreen To protect your skin.


It’s tempting to go to bed late on a vacation to go to bed late (especially when the weather is still nice outside) and sleep late. However, research shows that body and mind thrive very well on getting up early and getting enough sleep. Keeping your day and night rhythm is important for rest and balance your body. Something that contributes to how your body recovers and it even affects your weight. Maintaining your normal rhythm will also make it easier to switch to fall after the summer and to switch to work after a vacation, so you will be less tired and less likely to feel “ready for vacation again.

Limit screen time

Although it is wise to limit your screen time throughout the year, summer is an excellent time to put your money where your mouth is. There is more natural light and there is more to do outside the home, making it easier to cut down on your phone, tablet, laptop and television. You will see that it is a positively affects your sleep pattern. This is partly because natural light is good for us and partly because we less stimuli need to process.


While it is important to pay attention to what you eat, drink and do, it is especially important to enjoy. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Make conscious choices and enjoy what you do and the people you do it to. After all, if anything is disastrous for your health it is stress, so relax and enjoy the summer.

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Healthy eating in the summer

Healthy eating in the summer

Vacations, outdoor cafes, barbecues and eating together. Summer is a challenge for many when it comes to healthy eating (and drinking). There are so many temptations and moments when you conscious choices must make, that it is easy to make the “wrong” choice. We will help you on your way to still healthy through the summer come. It’s not about always being the most healthy choice but there are some things you can pay a little attention to and that starts with being aware.


Stick to your habits. This sounds like a truism, but during vacations our routines are different and it is harder to stick to habits. Especially when we are in a different environment as well. In addition, we are dealing with longer days and higher temperatures, which simply makes us feel different and (usually) a other (eating) needs to have. However, try to stick to your eating times and if you start each morning with a cup of fresh ginger tea, then continue to do so above all else. Your body benefits from rhythm and regularity.


Planning ahead is an easy way to make sure during busy days and weeks that you are eating
eating healthy, fresh and varied
. Even during the summer, with unexpected visits, vacation outings and sudden heat waves, it helps to have thought about what you’re going to eat in advance and have that in the house. This is because it prevents you from having to go shopping at the last minute and possibly bringing in (more) unhealthy things than intended. It’s also handy to make a lot of pasta sauce, soup or something similar in advance and freeze it, so that you always your own ready-made meal at home and don’t have to get it from the supermarket or order food.

Small, cooling portions

In the summer, your body takes longer to digest food. In addition, you also need less food in the summer than in the winter, for example, because less energy is needed to keep your body warm. Therefore, choose smaller portions and eat light meals. Also, choose especially cooling and moisturizing foods. Generally, these are water-rich products, which are often bitter, sour or salty in taste. Examples include watermelon, coconut (water) and cucumber, as well as avocado, radishes, zucchini and tomato.

Summer fruit

It is always advisable to use fruits and vegetables of the season eat. In the summer, the most delicious home-grown fruits are available, including strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and berries of all kinds. You can of course eat them just like that, but you can also vary them endlessly in desserts, fruit waters, salads, smoothies and even ice creams! To make them into ice cream, simply throw them with some (Greek) yogurt in a blender and pour the smoothie into ice cream molds. The next day you then have delicious and healthy fruit ice creams.

Green Barbecuing

Summer is the time of the barbecue. Wonderful temperatures, long days and then throwing a nice piece of meat on the barbecue to eat together. But that can also be done differently. Barbecuing is much healthier if you also grilling vegetables! There is a lot of choice and variation possible with vegetables on the barbecue. Think (pointed) peppers, zucchini and eggplant, but also portobellos (mushrooms), which you can stuff and grill deliciously. Or chicory and romaine lettuce. Buy yourself a nice “green” cookbook or get some inspiration online and vary vegetables on the barbecue this summer.

The market

Maybe you already visit it weekly or maybe you never (get to). Summer is an excellent time to explore the weekly market, regional market or farmers market visit in your area. Take your time, make it an outing and have a chat with the farmers, who sell their products there. You will find delicious, fresh products from your area and can get inspiration for healthy meals. Go there on foot or by bike and you’ll have your movement catch.

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Is eating vegetarian healthy or unhealthy?

Is eating vegetarian healthy or unhealthy?

Vegetarian and vegan food is gaining in popularity and is a regular topic of conversation at the dinner table, at a party or at the office coffee machine. Eating vegetarian is quite normal by now, but is it also healthy? It is one of the most frequently asked questions when people start to get involved and think about getting their eating pattern change. This article will help you get started.

Who is who: vegetarian, vegan, flexitarian?

Sometimes all the terms might make you dizzy. There are vegetarians, vegans, flexitarians and then pescotarians, pollotarians and fruitarians. We will explain it briefly, because not everyone eats the same. A vegetarian do not eat meat and fish, but does use animal products, which an animal does not have to die for. A vegan goes the extra mile and does not eat other animal products, such as eggs, dairy products and honey either. Flexitarians are people, who choose not to eat meat one or more days a week. Pescotarians do not eat meat, but they do eat fish, and pollotarians eat poultry, but they do not eat other types of meat or fish. Fruitarians, finally, eat only parts of a plant, which are harvested, without killing the plant, such as nuts, seeds and fruits.

Healthy and varied eating

Whichever variety you choose, it is always important to eat a healthy and varied diet. We already wrote about that in an earlier blog. That means avoiding unhealthy and processed foods, eating according to need, and having a varied diet maintenance. So make sure you have enough vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, fish and whole grain products. Should you also eat meat and poultry, according to the nutrition center, this also fits into a healthy and varied diet. It is in the same disk as dairy, nuts, fish, egg and legumes. The nutrition center does give the advice to eat less meat and to eat less meat and more vegetable and to vary with the other products in the disc.

Health Benefits

Although although eating vegetarian is not necessarily healthier than a meat-free diet, scientific research does show that a diet with a lot of meat is pattern with a lot of meat is unhealthy is. Among other things, it increases the risk of colon cancer, stroke and type 2 diabetes. An eating pattern with less meat is often more varied and therefore healthier. A good variety between animal and plant products also contributes to lower blood pressure and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, and eating lots of plant foods has a positive effect on your weight, cholesterol and blood pressure. All of this has subsequently a positive effect on healthy aging become. Eating less meat thus has various health benefits.

A nutrient deficiency?

A common concern is whether you have enough nutrients intake when you start eating vegetarian. For example, how do you get sufficient B12, iron and protein inside? It is important to pay attention to this when making other eating choices. Choose good substitutes so you continue to get all the nutrients you need. Although she not only in meat and animal products products, you will be more more consciously have to be in place to make sure you don’t run up deficits. The vitamin, which often recurs, is B12. Vegans in particular will find this a supplement have to swallow or fortified products need to choose. Vegetarians can still get B12 from dairy and eggs. How quickly you can make a shortage is different for each nutrient and for each person. So know your own body well so that you notice reactions to any deficiencies in time.

Eating swaps and flexitarian eating

It can be difficult to completely eating pattern completely. Often this is not recommended either, as it is difficult to sustain something completely new for a long time. It is usually more manageable if you small steps take and slowly change your pattern and develop new habits. develop. Eating changes are, for example, a good help towards a healthier eating pattern. Replace your chicken in a recipe with chickpeas or the white rice with brown rice. Do you want to eat vegetarian, but it feels like a huge step and you don’t know where to start? Then you can go with a flexitarian diet begin. Then you don’t stop meat and fish completely right away, but you take it step by step and don’t eat meat for one or more days first. You then slowly build that up and in doing so, you take the steps towards a vegetarian diet.

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How do you ensure good health?

How do you ensure good health?

Our health is our most valuable asset. A good health, both mental and physical, determines how we feel. And how we feel determines how we experience daily life and how we can shape our lives. If we have good health, we can get the most out of life. Therefore, everyone wants to be healthy. But how do you do that?

Balance in the delusion of the day

We are busy every day with work, our family, family and friends and hobbies and leisure. We often ask a lot of ourselves and usually live in the frenzy of the day, without thinking about ourselves and our health. We take those for granted, while there nothing is more important than having good health. The better we feel, the more we can get out of our lives and we can shape it daily the way we want. We can make the most of our work, family and hobbies. Our body is actually the ultimate tool And we have to take good care of that. We need to maintain it and recharge our “battery” regularly so that we can stand up to the test of time. For that, we need a Finding balance between exertion and relaxation (in the broadest sense of the words) and body and mind. That balance is always changing and we will have to continuously look for it. Fortunately, there is much we can do ourselves to improve our positively promote health and grow old healthy.

Body and mind

Body and mind are inextricably linked and continuously influence each other. Therefore, in addition to your body, get to know your mind for a optimal health. Know what gives you satisfaction, what gives you peace and what makes you happy. In fact, our bodies benefit from positivity and little stress. It is an important component of good health and healthy living. In addition, there is a Interaction between body and mindHow healthy you feel and how healthy you really are influence each other.

Eat, sleep, move

You never have 100% control over your mental and physical health. Part of it is hereditary, for example, and environmental factors also have an impact on your health. Still, there are several things, which you can do to get a promote and maintain good health. The three most important components in this regard are food, sleep and exercise. In short, eat healthy and in moderation, get enough sleep (of good quality) and exercise regularly.

Nourish your body well

When it comes to food, most people eat because they are hungry and want to satisfy it. However, food is also often eaten out of habit, in social contexts or other reasons. It is important to consider how much and what foods are good for you. Wrong food choices and eating too much can actually be harmful to your health in the long run. Therefore, eat as needed and eat a healthy and varied diet. More on healthy food read

Sleep well

The power of sleep is often underestimated. It is the time for our bodies and minds to recover. We recharge our ‘battery’, process the impressions of the day and cleanse our bodies. Too little (good) sleep can therefore have a negative effect on your health, resulting in, for example, obesity, physical illnesses or even depression. The sleep requirement varies from person to person, but averages about seven hours per night. Note that the quality of that sleep is very important. A good indicator is whether you wake up in the morning feeling rested and fit. There are several ways to make your improve sleep. For example, use the bedroom only for sleeping, make sure you have a good bed and a set rhythm or ritual.

Exercise enough

People who get enough exercise and active, live longer. Movement improves the physical conditionwhich makes us fitter are and can do things independently for longer. In addition, exercise has a positive effect on our weight and on various body functions, such as blood pressure, respiratory system, heart and intestines. Crucial functions for a healthy body. Enough exercise also has a positive effect on our mood and memory. So exercise is also important for our minds and as we saw, our minds interact strongly with our bodies when it comes to good health.

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You are what you eat: healthy eating, healthy living

You are what you eat: healthy eating, healthy living

You are what you eat is a widely known saying, with much truth in it. In fact, nutrition largely determines our health. Or put another way, what we feed our bodies with largely determines how well our bodies function. This includes safe and healthy food, as well as need. But what is healthy diet? And what do we mean by that need?

Health Awareness

There is a lot of emphasis these days on healthy living and healthy eating. From the government, healthcare, civil society organizations and even manufacturers, there is increasing attention to making conscious choices and the importance of good and healthy food. Among consumers, too, the health awareness increased tremendously in recent decades. For example, more and more people know that fibers are good for the intestines and that you should be careful with sugar and salt. More and more people also know that foods can have a positive effect on our health and play a preventive role can play in preventing cardiovascular disease and diabetes, among other things. Yet it remains diet of many people a concern. This can be seen, for example, in the ever-increasing number of children and adults with overweight and diabetesbut also to an increasing number of elderly people where malnutrition is becoming a problem.

Body and mind

By living a healthy life, you reduce the risk of disease and increase the chance of growing old in good health.. A
healthy lifestyle
however, means that you not only take good care of your body, but also of your mind. So, in addition to eating healthy, a healthy lifestyle includes sufficient exercise and relaxation. Indeed, with your mind you can influence your body both postively and negatively. Thus, sufficient relaxation, enough (good) sleep and little stress are very important in supporting a healthy body and life. A healthy lifestyle can really improve your health. It can help you lose weight, improve your blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and lower your blood pressure. Important risk factors for a long and healthy life. In addition, organs like our heart, liver and kidneys need the right nutrients to function properly.

Feeding, filling and food temptations

Even if you know what good nutrition is, chances are you are not eating only good nutrition on a daily basis. We have to do quite a bit every day food temptations resist. Research shows that we have about 200 eating choices make in a day and those choices are by no means all conscious. Smells, advertisements, offers or an open cookie jar can all tempt us to make unhealthy choices. Unhealthy products are often the ones we crave. By eating (or drinking) the products, you think a sense of satisfy hunger, but this is often short-lived. This is because unhealthy products often have little to no nutritional value, which means you will quickly become hungry again. They fill our bodies only temporarily. So it is important to provide your body with the right and healthy nutrients so that your body is better nourished and you are less likely to feel hungry again.

Unprocessed and varied

A healthy diet consists of varied food. That means plenty of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, fish and whole grain products. It also means less salt, sugar and saturated fats. By doing so, you are giving your body the nutrients and energy, which it needs to function properly. In addition, eat only when you really feel hungry and not to suppress it then quickly or because you are used to it. In addition, it is good to have as many unprocessed products getting in. So be careful with added sugars, for example, but also with e-numbers. In addition, drink plenty of water. This is what the body needs to function properly.


In addition to the regular “disk of five”, which is a guideline for healthy and varied eating, there are also foods, which can contribute an additional positive aspect to our health. Various spices and foods have properties, which health benefits entail. Examples include garlic, cinnamon, lemon, turmeric and ginger. You can easily add these types of products to your diet to eat even more varied and healthy. These perks help you make an even greater impact on your body. After all, you are what you eat.

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Detoxing, why and how do you do it?

Detoxing, why and how do you do it?

Our body has to deal with a large amount of toxins (toxic substances) on a daily basis. Detoxing , also called detoxing , means to rid the body of these waste products. When you are completely healthy, the body does this on its own. However, it can sometimes be useful to give your body a helping hand. This can be done, for example, through food or supplements. But how does that work, detoxification? And how can we give our body a helping hand? We will go into this further in this article.

A comprehensive detoxification system

Over the years, the amount of toxins that our body has to deal with has increased (unnoticed). Not only natural toxins from food, but also artificial toxins for example, additives in food, medication or the air (particulate matter, perfume, paint, etc.) penetrate our body. Our body is happy a comprehensive detoxification system to deal with that and to clean up this waste, so that we don’t get sick from it. The kidneys, liver and intestines together form a well-functioning system, which has a day job to ensure that our body does not get sick. at a excess toxins in fact, we become ill, think of the development of allergies, skin problems, fatigue or even cancer.

Lend a hand

Because the amount of toxins in our body can be very high, it makes sense to give your body a helping hand every now and then. U.S body’s own detoxification system After all, it has an extremely important function and we have to take good care of it. By consciously detoxing your body you can prevent a lot of complaints and illness. A detox so every now and then is a good plan. This allows the kidneys, intestines and liver to relax for a while. But how do you do that, detox? The good news is that it is completely not difficult or expensive and that you can just do it at home. As a (small) addition or adjustment to you daily routine and diet .

Healthy food and water

Maybe an open door, but the first step is eating healthy and drinking lots of water. By healthy eating we mainly mean omitting processed food and alcohol. This is an easy way to get fewer toxins right away. As mentioned, processed foods contain additives, which we ingest in addition to the natural toxins and which the body has to clean up again. The liver must also work hard to break down alcohol. Drinking water is necessary so that our body has enough water to work and to remove waste products. When fewer toxins enter our body during a detox, it also has time to to get rid of excess toxins .

Detoxifying Foods

If you have already started eating healthy and drinking water, you can also do even more with nutrition to support your body. There are different foods , which help us to maintain our health and which naturally have a purifying effect to have. Apples and bananas are examples of everyday fruits that support our gut. Bananas are also a source of essential minerals, such as selenium and potassium, which our brains need. Cabbage and many green vegetables do well as detox foods, which digestion improves. Garlic and artichoke are also popular detoxifiers. Garlic has antiviral, antibacterial and antibiotic properties and artichoke is packed with antioxidants and fiber and stimulates liver function. Perhaps the best-known foods for a detox are ginger , lemon and turmeric. These three products are powerful detoxifiers with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In another article you can read more about ginger, turmeric and lemon as detoxifiers.

Other forms of detox

In addition to detoxing through foods, there are a number of other ways you can do that. For example, think of (juice)cures , (deslagging) clay or activated carbonas well as supplements. Most detox methods are harmless And you really can’t go wrong with nutrition. Some of these methods, such as clay (products) and activated carbon, do associated with risks and may, if used incorrectly or for a long time, even make the body sick. Clay products can contain aluminum and other harmful substances. Long-term use of activated charcoal can lead to a deficiency of enzymes and vitamins that bind to activated charcoal. Too much acid (such as lemon juice or (apple) vinegar can also cause tooth erosion. So always pay close attention when using these types of products and always consult a doctor if in doubt.

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Gingerol: why ginger works

Gingerol: why ginger works

In a previous article we described the pros and cons of ginger. We informed you that ginger has many health benefits. The most important properties are that ginger (root) has a strong anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effect. It is also packed with vitamins and minerals and is very high in fiber. It purifies the body, prevents the build-up of toxins and stimulates blood flow. Three of the main active ingredients in ginger are gingerol, shogaol and zingerone. In this article we will zoom in on that.

Age-old traditions

In Eastern (especially Chinese and Indian) medicine , ginger is regularly prescribed for its medicinal properties. The use of ginger to promote health can even be traced back to the philosopher Confucius (5e /6 e century BC). This is not yet the case in Western medicine, although ginger was one of the first spices that the Greeks and Romans bought from Arab traders. The Greek physician Dioscorides even described the warming effect on the stomach, the promotion of digestion and the detoxifying effect. Nevertheless, here too the positive properties of ginger (root) increasingly recognized. The spicy seasoning is increasingly not just an addition to the meal, but is increasingly seen as a medicine or as a support for good health.

A spice with value

Ginger belongs to the Zingiberaceae plant family. Spices belong to this family, which not only because of their aromatic properties , but also because of their therapeutic or medicinal properties as very valuable being seen. There are nearly 150 species within this plant family. Besides ginger also belong turmeric and cardamom to the Zingiberaceae. The tuber or root of ginger (Zingiber officinale) is used as a spice. The plant is harvested by hand and India is still one of the largest producers. The active ingredients in fresh ginger, which provide the aroma, taste and medicinal properties include gingerol and shogaol. An active ingredient, which is not present in fresh ginger, but which is formed when it is heated, is zingerone. These are the main components that give ginger its value.

Gingerol and shogaol: pungent compounds

Two of the active ingredients in ginger, namely gingerol and shogaol, are excitatory compounds. Gingerol is related to capsaicin (chili peppers) and piperine (black pepper). These are the substances that provide the spicy and hot taste of the products. Gingerol is the most studied active ingredient in ginger. The fabric is a powerful antioxidant and can neutralize harmful free radicals and help reduce inflammation. Shogaols may seem to have an even stronger effect if anti- inflammatories and also provide the analgesic effect of ginger. In addition, shogaol appears to play an important role against neurological disorders through its antioxidant and anti-neuro-inflammatory effects. Shogaol is created when ginger is dried. To indicate how pungent gingerol and shogaol are, the substances have been translated into a Scoville unit: Gingerol has a sharpness of 60,000 SHU and Shogaol even has a sharpness of 160,000 SHU! In comparison, piperine has a sharpness of 100,000 SHU.

From Gingerol to Zingerone

When ginger is heated, the substance gingerol changes into zingerone, which is related to vanillin (vanilla) and eugenol (cloves). This makes the taste of ginger softer after heating. Zingerone is thus absent in fresh ginger. It is the least pungent ingredient in ginger, but it also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. It also supports the operation of the blood sugar , stimulates fat burning and is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it strengthens the immune system. It also works antispasmodic, meaning it reduces stomach and intestinal contractions and spasms. Gingerol and shogaol also have this function and soothe it digestive system .

Bioactive substances

Together with the substances described above, ginger contains more than 100 bioactive substances , which are important for the health effects worry about ginger. A bioactive substance is a substance in food or supplements for which no need has been established, but which is have a positive or beneficial effect on health. Actually, all substances that have a certain biological activity or function are called bioactive substances. With the use of (ginger) supplements the amount of bioactive ingredients in the supplements often differs, so the required amount of the supplements may differ. The use of fresh ginger (heated or unheated) is therefore highly recommended.

Looking for something tasty with naturally healthy curcumin and gingerol? Then take a look at our CURCUM. A turmeric-ginger extract based on agave with an undertone of oak and a slightly spicy bite! Spicy, floral and fresh-sweet. To be used as syrup.

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Curcumin: What Is It And What Does It Do?

Curcumin: What Is It And What Does It Do?

In a previous blog we discussed turmeric and its health benefits it has. In that blog we wrote that the active ingredient in turmeric ‘curcumin’ has. In this blog we go deeper and further about curcumin. What is this substance and how does it work?

The source

Curcumin is extracted from turmeric (the roots of the turmeric plant curcuma longa) and is a yellow dye, which turns the carrot yellow. That is why the root is also called turmeric. There are three types of curcumin, which together curcuminoids to shape. Curcuminoids are the main medicinal substances in turmeric, an aromatic spice. 80% of curcuminoids consist of curcumin I, the other 20% is formed by curcumin II and curcumin III. In addition to extraction from the plant, curcumin can also be made synthetically in a lab.

Food additive

Curcumin is a so-called food additive. This means that it can be added to food for technical reasons, such as colorings, flavors and preservatives. In Europe, curcumin is approved as E number E100. Turmeric powder is sold as a spice for the kitchen, with which you can cook curry, for example. The concentration of curcumin in turmeric powder is around 3.14%. Curcumin Supplements are being further developed and therefore have a better absorption nowadays. This increases the chance of positive health outcomes with curcumin supplements.


Curcumin is non-toxic and has a positive effect on many areas in the body. It is a promising substance when it comes to prevention and treatment of a wide variety of (chronic) diseases, such as gastrointestinal complaints, liver diseases, inflammations and wounds. Many of the health benefits come from strengthening the antioxidant system (curcumin has a strong antioxidant effect ) and because it has an anti-inflammatory works. In addition, curcumin contributes to the chelation of heavy metals, which means that it is also a detoxifying effect has. Indications for which curcumin is used therapeutically range from disorders related to the nervous system, immune system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, cardiovascular system to the musculoskeletal system (including arthritis and osteoporosis), skin disorders and heavy metal load.

Biological availability

The bioavailability of curcumin is very low. The low bioavailability means that curcumin is hardly absorbed into the body via the gut and is broken down in the bloodstream within minutes. As a result, curcumin ends up in the tissues and organs in extremely low amounts. Because curcumin supplements are getting better developed bioavailability is also increasing. This ensures a better effect and therefore more research can be done into the effect of curcumin.

Low absorption and contraindications

One of the disadvantages in the therapeutic use of curcumin is the rather low absorption after oral intake. As described above, the quality (and efficacy) of curcumin supplements is increasing. if SLCP (solid lipid curcumin particles) the effectiveness is, for example, a lot higher, because this form of curcurmin has a much higher bioavailability than regular curcumin and enters the body via the lymph and not via the portal vein blood. As a result, more active substance is absorbed into blood, tissues and organs. Although curcumin is non-toxic and has no side effects, it can interact or interact with medication, altering or limiting the action of medication. Therefore, always consult a doctor. In case of biliary obstruction or gallstones and during pregnancy and lactation, the therapeutic use of curcumin is not recommended.

Looking for something tasty with naturally healthy curcumin? Then take a look at our CURCUM. A turmeric-ginger extract based on agave with an undertone of oak and a slightly spicy bite! Spicy, floral and fresh-sweet. To be used as syrup.

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